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Diet in dogs with cushings -

21-12-2016 à 17:38:24
Diet in dogs with cushings
Now the past several days his eating good is hit or miss, been mixing boiled chicken with the dry, more chicken then dry, now he has diarrhea. I have spoken to my Top D. I needed to make a bulk amount that I could freeze and have for a couple of weeks. I am crossing my fingers that this diet will work. I fed her something totally off the wall for breakfast just to see the results. This recipe makes 18 quarts so you may want to cut it in half because Dixie is so small as compared to Ruby. After 3 days in the hospital, we got her home. My vet recommended your recipe with a couple of additions: dissolve 1 Centrum multivitamin per 4 cups of stew. Dogs have quite a way of entering and capturing our hearts. Some folks have had a hard time finding chana dal. Also, I wonder if the broccoli causes flatulence or diarrhea in any of the pets whose owners have written to you. And as far as the carbs are concerned I read not to feed rice or carrots how true is that. We have all been lost, scared, and hurting over our pets. Well, I am trying to make this recipe as it seems quite good. Yes, I completely understand what you are saying about the major bulk. Pitou is fussy about his food but when he likes it is insatiable and is now rotund. So happy to hear that Schnitzel is enjoying the Stewbie, and that his levels are more stable. I will also copy and paste this response in an email to you as you requested. P. I think we have been cheating both of our dogs by not including enough carbs and fiber in their diet. Thank you so much for sharing, it really means a lot, and I hope Athena is doing well. Wishing you the best, and please let me know how things go. Please give him some belly rubs and kisses for me. We were sent home with antibiotics and a good outlook. I had success after following some great advice: use his food as a reward for receiving the shot. I am so sorry about the loss of your mastiff. As the refrigerated container gets about half eaten, I move a frozen container from the freezer to the fridge to thaw. We can all learn from sharing our experiences. Love and licks to you, Arlough, and Munchkin. Reduce heat to medium-low, stirring occasionally until most of the water is absorbed. You are so wise to have reached out to consumer affairs before purchasing the recommended pet food. Her last documented weight is 10lbs but I am certain she is less now. Lili and her dos amigos, Teddy and Zoe, are all acting like puppies again. I just had to map the distance between our two locations. Also do you have any idea of the crude protein and fiber and fat. As far as carbs, all carbs are not created equal. Please adjust accordingly and definitely add more water. This diagnosis was just received in the last two days and we have yet to start the insulin. You have my deepest condolences, thoughts, and prayers. See, Ruby, insulin shots are a great thing. I could sing the virtues of carrots all day. She was also there for a week and almost died. I will certainly let you know how it goes. I must admit, I cried tears of joy when I read your story. I first researched which foods rank low on the glycemic index (GI). I believe you cooked the recipe just fine. Arlough is one lucky duck, or dog, to have landed in your home and hearts. His snack is some egg and I give him mozza cheese. I am going shopping with your list of items and will try to make this for her. I just made first batch for my best friend of 11 years recently diagnosed with diabetes. Simply passing her line of sight is a violation and she lets everyone know about it, so this silence and lethargy was truly frightening. She shared that she is seeing great results with all three. As for gas, Ruby roots and toots here and there, but he is not overly gassy. Her sugar was consistently low all day, never reaching. Homemade Dog Food for Diabetic Dogs Joanne Becotte Be Healthy, In the Kitchen, This Dog Blogs 389 Comments. I have a friend who is a RN with a diabetic dog. Three days later, she lay on the couch completely unconcerned with passing cars, delivery men and any noise in general. I stuff a quarter cup into a Kong Traxx and freeze it for a mid-afternoon snack. When I make some for myself, I set a small unseasoned portion aside for him. I have been able to find Chana Dal 4 lb bags at a local Tucson Middle Eastern grocery store. Chana dal is readily available at Indian and Middle Eastern grocery stores. Of course you can omit carrots since Coco is allergic to them. You sound like such a wonderful and devoted woman. Still had to increase her insulin a bit, but she did lose a little weight, which is good. Any advice you could give is would be greatly appreciated. I know a lot of folks cook hearty stews and recipes like this in the slow cooker. I finally feel in control and not so lost, afraid and confused. Now I feed him ground hamburger cooked chicken cooked spinach cooked chick peas, tuna and green beans cooked. And just remember, you and Sassy have a lot of good company and support on this journey. She is one lucky pug with a such a devoted mama. Wanted to put him on the Hills WD, but after reaching (consumer affair) there has been a lot of dogs that got sick when they changed the original formula. Mt dog was diagnosed with Diabetes last week. Oh Mariah, I cried when I read this post and then once again when I read your comment. The Chana Dal alone has 31g of fiber and 23g of protein per serving. This morning Kiera was waiting by her bowl for her morning helping that she immediately devoured. You are right in finding that food and insulin go hand in hand. We are a bit nervous to take the plunge bc we know we may need to adjust his insulin but we do have a glucometer so that we can do a curve before we start as a baseline and then we can do a curve over the first few days to see how it effects him. It sounds like she was one well taken care of and well-loved pooch. Thank you for stopping by and I hope your pooch enjoys this recipe. Hello and thank you for stopping by the blog. Is it possible to use a higher gauge needle. Ive found her some diabetic cookies from OLD DOG COOKIE CO that she loves hoping they will make the injections easier. I am wanting to try your recipe but am curious about making it his only food. To be honest, I cried while writing the post. I suggest that for this recipe you need a witches pot, over a fire, large enough to fit both Hansel and Gretel, or five circus clowns. Like any food motivated dog, movement of his food bowl commands his attention. I headed off to the vet (who we love) for our second curve. I am really happy to hear you have found the Stewbie beneficial for Bandit and Bentley, and I hope some of your readers do as well. His blood sugar was down to 600, kidney levels coming down. Question: What do you think about slow cooking the recipe. My recommendation for how much to feed your pups is to first calculate their daily caloric intake needs. and Mrs. Hang in there because it will get easier, and it sounds like you are off to a good start. There are two bowls, but they both clean one before moving to the other. We are still learning and working on getting her stable, but having an answer to the food problem is a huge relief. This journey started off very difficult for us, but it got much easier in a short period of time. He felt those two additions would round out the nutritional requirements IF that was her primary diet. Thank you so much Joanna for your feed back and i will check the sites that you gave me. I know this is a lot healthier than any commercial food available, not to mention treats. Im realky devasted to learn most all diabetic dogs go blind. Chana dal also offers more protein and fiber. Carbohydrates are poison to our diabetic loved ones. Early Adopter: 10 Essentials for New Cat Owners. I, too, have read about the benefits of Omega 3. Lectins are sticky proteins that when consumed in large quantities may contribute to GI disturbances and leaky gut. What did it do to his Blood Glucose (BG). Right now she is on Hills Grain Free Salmon and a small amount of cooked turkey. Joanne — thank you for your informative and helpful response. It was very difficult to achieve a smooth shot process with Ruby. A couple of other readers could not easily purchase chana dal so they were going to use garbanzo beans as a substitute. Please just choose another root vegetable in its place. I used to live in an area with a lot of Indian markets so I would buy the Chana Dal at one of the local stores. Thank you so much for posting this great recipe. I really hope that this dosage issue gets sorted out soon for poor Dixie. Based on your recommendation, I will give her a little more food this am and at her next feeding. Let us know how it goes with the recipe and if you have any luck with a particular dry food. Wanted to put him on the Hills WD, but after reaching (consumer affair) there has been a lot of dogs that got sick when they changed the original formula. I have a newly diagnosed Chihuahua mix and worry about the dog food she is eating. On vetcillin she was on 6 units at 13 lbs. Thank you so much for writing and sharing your story. The problem was, they are dry food grazers and share a bowl. Are you the one with the Pavlovian response. Hang in there and ask your vet to see about possibly switching insulin. She has always had home made and was not having any of the can food. My research led me to this amazing article and its subject: a beautiful yellow bean from India called chana dal. On occasion, I have treated my non-diabetic fur niece, Lucy, a pit bull mix, to Ruby Stewbie and she goes bananas. Sending lots of love and licks to you and your Chihuahua mix. I absolutely love that you continue to make the Stewbie for your other dogs. New Vet, who had experience with canine diabetes, and Dr. Dal alone has 31g of fiber and 23g of protein per serving. I am going to make this for my dog Libby. We are located in southeastern coastal North Carolina. Thank you again for reaching out and letting me know my wish came true. This has kept him steady Freddie for years. Pitou refused his morning medicine that we always hide in a canned food meatball. Please be very careful, especially since he has not been eating well. The calorie count definitely makes it easier for us to calculate. Then 10 days ago she had her teeth cleaned (after a stable month) and came home and was so weak that she had to go right back to the animal hospital for 3 nights. Looking forward to hearing how Zoe likes the recipe. I understand that your vet is not fond of the people food idea, but have you run this recipe by him. I learned that the best food is grain and potatoe free, high fiber, high protein, low-moderate fat and low glycemic. Please circle back and let us know how things are going. Wonderful, and Zoe for making my day with all of this fantastic news. Last year he had a diabetes related seizure. I made Ruby Stewbie yesterday and this morning Sassy ate it for the first time. I usually give the beans a bite test myself to make sure they are fully cooked. I also am having a hard time with her yelping when i have given her her shot recently. Diabetes can be such a fickle disease at times. I know readers will find your experience very helpful. You may, however, have noticed that this diet has a positive (read increase) effect on stool production. Thank your for writing and I wish you the best of luck. I am just delighted to hear that your pooch enjoyed this recipe. I bet Annabelle would enjoy something homemade as well. Perhaps I did less singing and more pleading and praying. Perhaps she just does not want to receive the shot while eating. Hope everything went well with the vet appointment. My girl Lili, 10lb white and tan chihuahua, was just diagnosed this past week. And, yes, at 11 she is a puppy as far as my 14-year-old main man Ruby is concerned. They are a root vegetable, and root veggies absorb a ton of nutrients from the soil because they grow underground. Get your weekly DIY fix with our customized newsletter. I have been feeding Moxie Ruby Stewbie for 3 days. Once cooled, I put the stew in plastic containers in the fridge, and it lasts for a week. Thank you so much for stopping by the blog. I certainly understand your use of the word traumatic to describe the feeding part of the diabetic diagnosis. I am so sorry that you and Chance have been having such a tough time. It occurs due to a lack of insulin which the body responds to by burning fat for fuel and producing ketones. You sound like a very dedicated doggie mama. Almost all of the water was absorbed but in you pictures you seemed to have more liquid remaining in your containers. They offer other flavors besides chicken, but he is cuckoo for chicken. He also was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when he was diagnosed with diabetes. It sounds like you will nicely adjust to the new normal of the diabetic lifestyle routine. Ive also seen things like hearts and livers being mentioned as important parts of a balanced diet. With diabetes, picking foods that rank low on the GI (glycemic index) is the key. I do give Ruby brown rice and boiled chicken to give his system a break when he has diarrhea. This is frightening, and confusing but I am determined to do whatever I can for my Sadie. Other readers have shared that they have had success buying it online at and. I also love the fact that we both have sweet, senior, diabetic, blue heelers who really enjoy Ruby Stewbie. It was my goal in sharing my story and recipe to help other diabetic dogs and their humans so to get feedback like this sends me over the moon. Thank you for your kind words and well-wishes. (My pot will not accommodate all of the vegetables so I add in as much as I can and thaw the rest to be added in before storage). Brown rice is considered easy on the stomach, has some protein, and it falls within the low range on the the GI. Libby pure pumpkin, is that the puree kind. I am always thrilled when I hear this is helping other diabetic dogs. My hope in writing this post and sharing the recipe was and still is to help other pet parents. Please do let us know how it goes for you, Libby, and Sadie. He, too, noted that turkey was hard to get and extremely expensive in India, so he just omitted the turkey and increased the chicken. 3. When serving, add in a tablespoon or so of coconut oil. Antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, can slow the development and advancement of cataracts. She had to have the rest of her uterus removed. It can be quite scary and overwhelming to take all this in at once. Understandably, you are reacting to one alarming scenario after another. I just ran across your blog looking for diabetic dog food and I do have to say this sounds great. Ruby also goes bonkers if I simply give him a cube or two of chicken breast for a treat. I feed her pure balance grain free, dry and canned. We were told to feed him first then give insulin (which we have to get prescription filled). Life with a diabetic dog is really centered around the routine of it all. She weighs 20. Please know that I will be thinking of you and Chance. It is a staple so if you live near an Indian grocery store you will definitely be able to find Chana Dal there. If he eats any more chicken he may begin clucking. I still trying to get consistent with his schedule between my dr appts, and watching my mom since her knee replacement it gets hairy, been trying to keep it between 930 and 10. Sorry to hear that your puppy has been having a hard time since his birth. She was diagnosed with diabetes a little over a year ago. 3208. I love my baby so much I was determined to find something, and then I came across your blog. They provide a good deal of fiber and potassium along with healthy doses of vitamins A, C, and K. Turn the heat off and emove the pan to another burner and allow to soak for 1 hour. My understanding is that a little bit of low fat cheese now and then is AOK for dogs. I hope you find the same true for you and Abby. Let me know how she likes the Ruby Stewbie. I will say, there were little lentils and split peas around his bowl and on the floor when he was done (haha). Thank you for posting Ruby Stewbie and this blog. In addition to being packed with vitamins, crunching on carrots is good for doggy teeth. would all work well to substitute for the chicken breast in Ruby Stewbie. Ruby gets one cup of dry food along with 4 cups of Stewbie daily. Hi Joanne, my 3 month old gold lab just got diagnosed with diabetes yesterday and has been having a hard time ever since he came into this world. Sounds like Annabelle is quite lucky to have you. She is going to help me do the 8 hour monitoring at home. I feel so blessed to have found your blog. Libby loves vegetables so this will be great for her and who knows my other dog Sadie is a picky eater so that might just be good for her too. Also, I am from India and all the ingredients are easily available except Turkey. I am happy to hear you are making this recipe for your recently diagnosed pooch. The food I found best fit the description was orijen. Took him to the vet Wednesday cause he had a little blood mixed in with the same amount of diarrhea. Bentley was diagnosed about two months ago with diabetes mellitus when we took her to the vet for what we thought was a uniary tract infection. She is not diabetic, but when treated to the Stewbie she has gone crazy for it. I really need to know about the carrots and the rice am I doing the right thing. She is 11 years old but still going strong, so when she suddenly began having accidents in the house overnight, dri yearsnking excessively and behaving as if she was having difficulty urinating, we hit the vet. 12 hours apart. I am hoping that this recipe works for that as well. Weight loss and hair loss can both be signs of poorly managed diabetes. He throw up later on, diarrhea back, mixed with more blood then last time. I would love to share your recipe through the American Brittany Rescue online newsletter (including proper credit to you and Ruby, of course). Yes, the beans are supposed to cook as if you are preparing them for human consumption. He has gained weight since on the diet and insulin he was 6. I still have not yet added the chicken, ground turkey, nor the vegetables. I hope this is helpful, and I hope things improve on the vet front. We are currently feeding him commercial puppy food since he needs his growth nutrients but would want to know if this food is safe for puppies. O. Thank you so much for stopping by the blog. Thank you so much for this recipe, we have been using it mixed with dry since my pup was diagnosed in November 2015. Then I waited with bated breath to see how my 14 year and 11 months Cairn Terrier would react. She is on 4 units of insulin twice daily and has 3 eye meds for glaucoma, which popped up 4 days after diagnosis. Please do stop back and let us know how it goes. Ever since she has been on insulin she has had itchy ears and vet said it could be allergies. I lay out six large storage containers on the counter. Thank you for pointing out that this recipe is good for toothless dogs. They told us she had pancreatitis and was suffering from DKA. Hi Joanne, Moxie has been battling diarrhea, what do you for Ruby when this happens. You can get Chana Dal here, Amazon also has it but the shipping was more than the product. The initial overwhelming sadness and stress will be lifted, and your life will settle into a new routine. He has been on Humulin N for years now and has always taken two shots of it per day. S. Many non diabetic recipes seems to include pasta and such for regular dogs. I will be doing the 8 hour testing at home tomorrow after seeing the new vet. I am really glad you found a good vet as well as other useful avenues to help Kayley. Perhaps removing any mush you are getting with a slotted spoon would help. I pre-cook whatever protein I am using in the recipe just to be safe to make sure it is thoroughly cooked. I purposely included a root veggie in this recipe. Ruby is a big fan of chicken so he often gets freeze-dried chicken treats. When Ruby has diarrhea, I rest his system for 12 hours. If there was a moment in time towards the end of her life that Kayley was able to find some comfort in this special recipe, there are no words to express that joy that brings me. Life with a diabetic canine can be perfectly normal once the insulin levels and food have been worked out. Thank you for helping so many pet parents with this journey that frankly is a bit daunting at the beginning. I started by putting his full food bowl on the counter while prepping his shot. Chana dal also provides more protein and fiber. I ran my recipe by Dr. Libby pure pumpkin, is that the puree kind. Then I start him on boiled chicken and cooked brown rice at a 2:1 ratio. I have to thank you for your thoughtful and useful ideas. There are carbs in legumes, but they are also full of protein and fiber. You and your pup are so lucky to have one another. I know that locating the chana dal has been a challenge for some readers. After she came home we still had another 4 harrowing nights, running her to the animal hospital twice a day to measure her sugars. She also had pyometra an infection of her uterus because ahe was not spayed properly. Incredibly, he has no problem finding his food bowl. Save Print Ruby Stewbie - Diabetic Dog Food Author. I am happy to help with your calculations. I invite you to take a step back, take a deep breath, and clear your mind. Arlough. I was shocked I never expected these result. I have also heard this method employed when first starting a pet on insulin. Hope his sugar is down since the last appt. Now she is on 3 units of nph and her blood sugar is regulated. He REALLY loved the dry Pet Canine PowerFood from. I soak the legumes overnight, and then next morning, I add all the legumes, boneless chicken and chopped veggies to two large pressure cookers, top them up with water and pressure cook for about 15 minutes. Add chana dal, brown lentils, black-eyed peas, green split peas and barley. I really appreciate your posting that information here. I am so thrilled to hear you found this info helpful and that your vet approved the recipe. I definitely fall in the rigid routine silo when it comes to his food. I set out to develop a recipe which would later be known as Ruby Stewbie. I hope this is helpful, and I wish you and Coco well. He adores the Stewbie and looks forward to his meals each and every day. 5. There may be over 8,500 miles between us, but it truly is a small world after all. I hope someone with experience getting their pups to slow down eating can chime in. I am always on the lookout for new and improved dry food and am currently actively seeking a new one. I think you should go ahead and do that as well. She is on insulin to help control her blood sugar, but I am finding the food is causing a huge impact. Bella and Peanut sound like quite the dynamic duo. Cover the peas with water plus 2-inches more. You are truly an Angel for our furry friends. Hi Joanne, I am so glad I found this recipe, and all the stories sound like mine. Your recipe gives him more food than his was eating for the same calories so he feels fuller. Good thing, too, because pre-diabetic Ruby absolutely loved chicken and carrots. Our furbaby, Arlough, was diagnosed in either 2009 or 2010 (cant quite remember). Lil did I realize you have to order it everytime. I admit to topping his dish with an extra scoop of caloric food since he still needs it and gobbles it right away. My question is how much to feed her per day. I have been where you are my dog Nipsy was diagnosed about 6 weeks ago. Given the prohibitive shipping expenses to your location I would say give the chickpeas a try. We add a little Purina One Smartblend healthy weight formula dry food to the Ruby Stewbie at serving. You are right about the commercial dog food. He takes fish oil, maintenance antibiotic, thyroid med, 2 liver meds, and of course insulin daily. I just wanted to thank you for showing us the way, and sending lots of lovies to Ruby. The chicken and rice trick works like a charm when Ruby has digestive trouble. Finally she turned the corner and was back to herself. I think you are better off using the garbanzo beans instead of oatmeal. I also forgot to ask what dry food do you use for Ruby. Thank you so much for sharing all this information. I would take a peek at that one for Chase. I am so happy to hear that you tried the Stewbie recipe and Bigly is feeling fuller longer by eating this food. Ruby rarely leaves my side, but he stays especially close on cooking day. You are so lucky that Annabelle is good about taking her shots. I hope this recipe helps as many diabetic dogs as possible. One container goes straight into the refrigerator and the others go into the freezer. Carrots happen to be her favorite treat, but the vet told me to give her green beans instead. High levels of ketones can poison the body. Good luck with the endocrinologist and the new insulin regimen. I believe life is made sweeter when the occasional healthy snack is indulged. Dog Agility: A Sport for You and Your Pup. She kept going back to the bowl and licking it. Zoiey is over weight and so she is on a 225 calorie diet. Thanks for writing, and I want to welcome you to the diabetic dog parent club. Another reader could not easily get chana dal in her area so she was going to try garbanzo beans as a substitute. That probably accounts for 15-20 minutes cooking time for the grain prior to my adding the first batch of cut chicken. Please give Chase six belly rubs, six kisses, six good boys, and wish him an early happy birthday for me.

How much should I feed him of the Ruby Stewbie. Just starting to reintroduce chicken and turkey back in her diet. I feed him thrice a day (a cupful each time), and within a few days, his sugar levels dropped to the normal range. These Birdseed Balls Will Bring All the Birds to Your Yard. I am so happy to hear that you are feeling a sense of peace about moving forward and handling this disease. Also, thank you for your kind words and blessings. This food fast is easiest to do overnight. I highly encourage everybody to learn as much as they can about it whether their dog has a medical condition or not. Paws crossed for you and your newly diagnosed pooch. 3 now he is 6. Then next day when I called to check on him ( for the 4th time) the vet said he was going very good, better then he excepted this soon. The correct dose is what matters most, and it does not sound like Dixie has been prescribed the correct dose at all. By the way, he will be 6 yrs old in March. I am also very concerned by the big fluctuations in insulin dosage being administered. I feel extremely fortunate to be connecting with so many other diabetic dog parents who are in the exact same place I once was. 9 he is not a small chihuahua to begin with. She is one lucky pug with a such a devoted mama. Currently we are also doing slow kill for heartworms too. But will bring up the stew, and insulin changed to walmart. Will let you know how the vet appointment goes. Many other pet parents have had success feeding this recipe to their diabetic dogs as well as their non-diabetic dogs, even picky eaters. Then they do the plate switch, he has to make sure she had the same thing and vice versa. Has anyone had this in the refrigerator for 10 days. You are very lucky to have a skilled friend to assist you with the monitoring. He was urinating a lot, had increased water consumption, and looked thinner than normal. Ruby is about 48 lbs and eats 4 cups of Stewbie along with one cup of dry food daily. I would like to try the Ruby stew but have no idea what amount to give her. While garbanzo beans have a low score (28) on the glycemic index, they are not nearly as low as chana dal (8). Paws crossed that your pooches enjoy the recipe. By the way, he will be 6 yrs old in March. So began the frantic search for something they both could eat. Thank you so much for sharing your recipe with us. Thank you for writing such a detailed account of your experience with the Ruby Stewbie recipe. Not to be confused with their similarly labeled pumpkin pie mix. After he ran away, I would put his food bowl in the cupboard. Awesome he likes it for about a week, was unable to get him to take meds and I tried everything, even pushing it down his throat (which I hate) til he was gagging and he got it up. You are in very good company, and I am glad you found us. I get the grains going, bring them to a boil, and then reduce the heat. 5 insulin twice a day. Chana dal also offers more protein and fiber. Thank you for your positive feedback, it meant alot. I hope you have similar results if you try the recipe with Ripley. Control canine diabetes with a low glycemic dog food made with love. We just received the most devastating diagnosis of diabetes. We are now on our third batch of Ruby Stewbie. I am surprised to see carrots in the recipe because they are so high in sugar. Thank you for taking the time to share what has worked for you and your pooches. Administering a shot to a yelping dog requires the acknowledgement that you are doing this for their own good. You are wise to try variations of the recipe for yourself. Totally new to this whole doggie diabetes thing. Hi Joanne, I quartered the recipe to make sure my dachshund would eat it. I think your input will be helpful to others. Hi Joanne, I have just found your site through Google. Thankfully I was able to find all the ingredients locally. They also get a couple of Tablespoons in the morning with their dry food. Talked to the vet and he agreed and wrote a script for it. Thanks, and will report back on how it goes. My goal in sharing this recipe was and continues to be to help other pet parents and their diabetic pets. If so, Sky will feel your tension and tense up herself. I have given shots to several other rescue dogs, but never done any of the blood testing. I hope you have similar results with Lili and your other pooches. Now he rushes each injection along so he can eat. Thank you also for your additional tips and for sharing your struggles as well. Ruby is about 48 lbs and eats 4 cups of Stewbie along with one cup of dry food daily. 5kg (34lb) and underweight at the moment. Sadie loves the food and she is going for a checkup tomorrow. Best of luck and let me know how it goes. I have tasted the recipe as well and found it to be tasty, too. I was searching the internet for any and all information about her condition, and that is when I found Ruby and his Chef. To be honest, I cried while writing the post. This of course started when Roscoe passed away and its super frustrating. Thank you for sharing Ruby Stewbie and for going the extra step to determine the caloric count. I wish the same results for your rat terrier. A bit on that: garbanzo beans have a low score (28) on the glycemic index, but they are not. I thought you might be interested in entering the contest. Since cooking conditions can vary, maybe that is the reason for the difference. Since chana dal ranks incredibly low on the GI, I made it one of the main ingredients of Ruby Stewbie. We are due to go back on the 21st of January for another recheck, and we have great faith that the numbers. The hospital sent us home with a few samples of diabetic dog food. He seems to be very frisky lately, but still drinks lots of water and pees quite a bit. He spends the whole time waiting for some chicken to accidentally fall in his direction. Ruby weighs 48lbs and eats a total of 4 cups of the Stewbie daily along with one cup of dry food broken down as follows: 1 and. I am sorry to hear Sky is yelping during her shots. I have heard from readers who, like yourself, have a non-diabetic dog in addition to their diabetic dog. It seems like a cautious treatment plan for some. I scoop 12 cups of Ruby Stewbie, including the vegetables, into each container. I am so very happy to hear that his levels have improved and he is more active. He has become a carrot connoisseur and prefers petite baby carrots over all others. Now that my special little girl has gone to the Rainbow Bridge, I still make your stew as a healthy snack for my other dogs. There are 265 calories per cup of Stewbie. Please let me know how it turns out if you decide to make it in the slow cooker. A full batch makes 18 quarts so it would have to be a larger crockpot. Hi Joanne, this is Paul from Hyderabad, India. She turned her nose up at the diabetic dog food from the vet. And, last but now least, I would like to express my sympathy over the loss of your beloved furbaby this summer. Ruby eats 4 cups of Stewbie and one cup of dry food daily. Thanksgiving in the wee hours we again went to animal emergency because we thought she was having diabetic trouble again. When both pots are done, I will add equal amounts of meat and veggies to each ensuring that each batch was identical. Unless your vet tells you otherwise, your dog needs the insulin. Kudos to you and your hubby for getting creative on the feeding front. Turkey breast, ground beef or turkey, lean pork or beef cuts, and fish. She was put on 10 units 2 weeks ago and I hoping she can stay there. Sending best wishes along with lots of Ruby kisses to you and Ollie. She would do fine for a week or teo then would end up at the vets with a blood sugar so high it topped the chart. Knowledge is definitely power and I agree that we need to learn as much as we can about the food we feed our dogs. I spent a bit of time in the beautiful state of Washington many moons ago. We are trying to make things easier for the kennel, when we board her at the end of the month. However, as to the size of pot, its a little laughable. Pingback: Tips for Surviving a Long Distance Move - MyUntangledLife. You are well on your way to the new normal of life with a diabetic dog. Portions: your 18 lb pooch should get 1. The reason some nutritionists advise keeping legume intake minimal is. I started crying when I read your post, God heard my prayers, I was so distraught finding out my four legged baby is diabetic, I had to rush Chance to the vet this past weekend and found out that her numbers were so high they were amazed she was still giving me kisses. Ruby was diagnosed over seven years ago now. My dog has been difficult to regulate. As far as her allergies go, so far so good. com (). 5 is the highest does of insulin. When Teddy was a puppy and I would get down on the floor with him he would take the scruchi off my pony tail and run and hide it. He was diagnosed with diabetes, pancreantitis, dehydrated, and his kidney levels were high. The recipe makes 18 quarts which is a whole lot of Ruby Stewbie for Ms. And he was doing fabulous otn it but is now turning his nose up a lot. Yes, you always want to make sure your pooch has something in his stomach when you administer an insulin shot. He ended up in a veterinary hospital where he was diagnosed with diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis, and pancreatitis. I must say, her readings are truly remarkable. The higher the gauge the thinner the needle. We have a mini Dixie that is losing weight. New Vet, and they both approved. It sounds like quite a stressful time for you and your chihuahua. com has it for a very reasonable price, compared to the food stores I have found it in. Starting out with your advice to give the shot first then the food has worked like a charm. Just a bit of info on the nutritional difference between garbanzo beans and chana dal: garbanzo beans have a low score (28) on the glycemic index, but they are not nearly as low as chana dal (8). Ruby eats 4 cups of Stewbie and one cup of dry food daily. Thank you for all your tips, kind words, and well wishes. I am seeking out a dog endocrinologist in my area and before starting the insulin regimen in the next few days. And both he and Lili are playing with stuffed toys again. I am not sure I understand why your vet would say that 4. I am thrilled to hear that your Golden scarfs up the food. I am also using cabbage instead of broccoli, and bottle gourd as well. It may just come down to the taste preference of your mini Schnauzer and other pooch. Thank you so much for posting this and giving me the chance to save my fur baby CHANCE. Next time, will start off with 2 pots and put half the ingredients in each. That being said, I think adding fish as toppers to the Stewbie would be delightful for your pups. A lot of folks are finding this recipe helpful, and I appreciate you sharing the modifications your vet suggested along with your cooking tips. Our sugar babies deserve kind of regulation and wonderful, healthy, ingredients made from our hands. Hopefully, you can feel us easing some of the burden with our support. Thanks to you, Lili, and her dos amigos for all the love. A smaller pot in that set is perfect for this purpose. Either way, after a week in the hospital I was able to take my sunshine home. The more I read about it, the worse it gets. Ruby is just a doll, I hope he continues to do well. I now have it in two very large pots and am about to start a third. Thank you for spreading the word about Ruby Stewbie. Interestingly, I had a nice gentleman from Hyderabad, India, write in to share that he had success with this recipe for his 9 year old Cocker Spaniel. Ketoacidosis can be a life-threatening complication for those suffering from diabetes. Thank you so much for sharing this additional information. Wayne, I also have a diabetic Corgi or he has be. I used to live in an area with several Indian grocery stores nearby. I am happy to hear you found a vet who would work with you and this new meal plan for your fur babies. So far, 1 week in, Ruby Stewbie is a life saver. Was doing good but now her levels have gone up. I would like to first express my sympathy over the loss of your beloved dog. When I first saw them, I was struck by how much chana dal resemble little suns. Would you know roughly how much I should feed her with each of her meals considering she is around 15. Do you think we should consider making a different meal for the chihuahua(munchkin). Since the beginning her blood sugar has been 500 or higher. Thank you very much for stopping by and sharing your story. He has since lost his remaining sight over the last year or so. Your tip about Amazon Prime is greatly appreciated. This article addresses processed food but also why NOT to give dogs legumes. Since I am having a difficult time finding the Chana Dal locally, I was wondering if oatmeal would be a good substitute, since it is known to be low glycemic. The other day he started doing that again. We were told to feed him first then give insulin (which we have to get prescription filled). It sounds like your vet prescribed a rigid dietary plan. I hope you are able to give the recipe a try, and I hope your furry little ball of sunshine enjoys it. That movement of his bowl would bring him back again. I am extremely happy that your prayers were answered and your little guy pulled through, too. I will check out adding the garbanzo beans instead but We have a big Indian community around here so Im also going to try to find the Chana Dal. I completely understand your distrust of store bought food. Cover the pot and bring to a boil and boil 1-2 minutes. Yesterday, I jumped online to research all there is about canine diabetes vowing to do everything we can to give Zoe a happy life and many more years. I stumbled across your site and cried tears of joy finding Ruby Stewbie and reading all of the positive reviews. He really likes the Eukanuba weight management for small breeds and pro plan weight management canned, he gobbles it up. Please do circle back and let us know how every little thing is going for Mr. 5 lbs. These foods are especially important to a diabetic in order to keep blood sugar levels from spiking. Moxie has major GI issues, so I watch to see if she strains or the consistency of her bowels, Ruby Stewbie creates some major bulk. She was diagnosed a diabetic in October of 2015. Personally, when I recognize that I am doing that, I realize what a hard place it is to make decisions from. Both dogs immediately devoured their Stewbie last night. One of the main ingredients, chana dal, is a really great food to keep blood sugar levels from bouncing up and down, thus helping to regulate insulin needs. Found the chana dal at at International grocery store. I am glad to hear you made your second batch and that your pooches have adjusted to the Ruby Stewbie after a couple of months. Since she was just diagnosed, I wanted to find a recipe for food that I can make for her at home. So I did the best that I could do for my fur babies I got a new vet. The Vet is happy with her progress and has asked that I continue with 10U x2 a day, and to report back in a week. I noticed in the comments you feed dry food with it and we have reach a point where we just dont trust store bought food for our dogs any more. Yesterday all I had for him to eat was some chicken breast, scrambled 2 eggs, green beans and carrots. But, with more food, she is most certainly going to need more insulin so her body can convert that food into energy. At that point, I begin cutting the chicken and adding it as I go. With many pots and bowls strewn about my kitchen I managed to get the stew made and all the ingredients thorouhly mixed. com. Yes, you absolutely can feed this to dogs without diabetes. I truly believe things will get better for you and your sweet dog. Ruby loves crunching on carrots so I give him baby carrots for treats, too. But then the approaching needle would make him run away. Thank you for your kind words and for reaching out to me. I took it upon myself and changed her diet to a homemade diet for example she ate for breakfast egg and hamburger and she loved it then I was able to give her shot, she just refused to eat the canned food. This canine diabetes thing can be a difficult road, but it does get easier in my experience. I never thought to freeze it in a Kong toy as a treat. Not sure how well Sassy will cooperate, but as a Senior living on Social Security we do what we have to do. Thank you, Joanne, and I know all us veteran diabetic moms can empathize with that overwhelming feeling that so many express here. You are right about this being daunting at the beginning. We also have a male Jack named Peanut, healthy and strong and not about to eat that stuff they sent home with Bella. Ruby was diagnosed with diabetes way back in 2008. Notes For more information on the glycemic index of each ingredient, see glycemicindex. We are not treating her for it, and understand it is the underlying cause for the diabetes. Yes, my sweet sunshine Ruby has lost his sight. Thank you so much for posting your Ruby Stewbie recipe for diabetic fur babies. Sounds like she was quite ill in all the ways Ruby was. His disinterest got me frustrated and angry and it got Dr. Our own pet glucose monitor arrived and has made things easier. My wish in sharing the recipe was to help others in the same situation I was in when Ruby got sick. It was a challenge to convince Ruby that getting two insulin shots a day was actually a good thing. They are very fortunate to have you and vice versa. The dehydration, diarrhea, huge spikes in his levels, etc. Not only in traditional medicine but open to using supplements when beneficial. com. I am really sorry to hear that Dixie is losing weight and her hair. My Jack Russell terrier mix rescue, Bella was just diagnosed with diabetes. But I have noticed my rat terroir has gained weight since being on this. I think my four-legged niece, Lucy, the sweetest of sweet pit bulls, would love this snack game. This is not my Bella, she is our security system and will collect DNA on any unsuspecting intruder. He has tried the PureBites and Only Natural Pet and likes both. Since puppies have some unique needs, simply check with your vet to see if he or she recommends anything additional such as a puppy supplement or vitamin. Personally, I enjoy dark chocolate and red wine. They provide a good deal of fiber and potassium along with healthy doses of vitamins A, C, and K. My chihuahua was diagnosed with diabetes right after my mastiff died of a heart attack, the stress brought it out in him. Ruby lost weight when he got sick and during the diagnosis and stabilization period. You are wise to have quartered the recipe to see if she enjoys the recipe. I think many others will find this helpful, as it is not readily available in every area. She WAS taking 12 units of Vetsulin every 12 hours. I believe a lot of fellow diabetic pet parents can relate to that. and we would be honored for the Ruby Stewbie recipe to be included in the American Brittany Rescue online newsletter. When he first lost his sight, I was more affected than he was. I am sorry to hear that you are having a tough time with the shots. How much should I feed him of the Ruby Stewbie. I hope that Nikki has an enjoyable stay at the kennel and that her visit to the kennel means you are going somewhere enjoyable, too. His ribs started to show. I had no idea that was the case with Hills WD, and I bet a lot of readers with benefit from that information. I agree with you that Dixie needs more food. I was so sad and very confused, I am so new to this, only six days now and have been so stressed about my fur baby not liking the. As one container gets about half eaten, I move another from the freezer to thaw in the refrigerator. I was giving him 8 units of insulin twice a day, but now thanks to the Ruby Stewbie, I could reduce it to 5. But if you can tell me the daily portion on your exact recipe I would love to try it. I have been making this homemade diabetic dog food recipe for over seven years now, and today I am happy to share it with you. And for those of you looking for Chana Dal, Amazon. My little cockerpoo, Sky has just been diagnosed with diabetes, 3 weeks ago and since her diagnosis, I have been feeding her half a cup of lean mince beef, half a cup of broccoli and half a cup of brown pasta twice a day which she enjoys but I wanted to try her with something else and this looks lovely. He gained the weight back slowly but surely, and has maintained a healthy weight on this diet ever since. I have never made Stewbie in the slow cooker, but I imagine it would cook up nicely that way. My golden Cocker Spaniel, Toffee is nine years old and was diagnosed with diabetes a few months ago. Ruby is about 48 lbs and eats 4 cups of Stewbie along with one cup of dry food daily. The vet was not able to determine if this was due to the diabetes or simply the aging process. All my best and tail wags to you, Lacey, and Lexi. Ruby was on Vetsulin many moons ago, but he was on two shots per day. Hi Joanne, Well I made Ruby Stewbie, and I am happy to report that Libby just loves it. Perhaps some fellow diabetic parents will chime in on the subject. I have never fed her or her predecessors canned dog food because of all the recalls. I really appreciate you sharing your modifications and method of cooking this recipe. Some readers have shared that they cook the recipe in a crockpot. I must admit that your comment made me smile and laugh more than once. With Ruby Stewbie you are well on your way to providing Chance with great diabetic-friendly nutrition. He has 5. I have deep gratitude for all your kind words. I find it disheartening to say the least. I love how you take such great care of Ruby by making his meals. I had to chuckle about the undigested beans. Root vegetables absorb a ton of nutrients from the soil because they grow underground. It sounds like Zoiey could eat a little less than one cup daily in order to stay on her diet. The advantage is that I also have a flock of parrots so I can make this up and if I leave the chicken out of some of it, I can have a healthy meal for them too. Although BG readings were higher, they leveled all day. Will keep you all updated, and thank you so much for the advise and encouraging words. she eats Purina DCO which makes her poop her little tiny brains out. Ruby is currently testing out a new kibble from Only Natural Pet in Just Fish Feast. Thank you, thank you, thank you so very much for all your kind words. There are approximately 265 calories per cup of Ruby Stewbie. This diagnosis can be overwhelming, but you are in a lot of good company. For a 12 pound dog like Ripley I would suggest you could just divide everything I outlined by 4 and see how that works. My other dog Sadie, well she likes it and does pick that over kibble. 5 cups and your 12 pooch should get 1 cup daily. The specialist, with the consent of my vet switched her from vetcillin to nph humila. She has cataracts that got worse because of the diabetes,, but she is a good candidate for eye surgery. I also found it remarkable to think about your sweet dog in India eating a recipe I developed using the amazing Indian chana dal as a main ingredient. I have given the vet the recipe, and I will not stop singing your praises to everyone. Hes done pretty well but went blind a few years ago to cataracts. And as a result I am having a hard time getting her to eat. I wish you could have shouted this to me via the phone, too. Turkey breast, groud beef or turkey, different pork cuts, fish, etc. Each container lasts three days and each batch lasts 18 days. A side note for anyone using nph human insulin, Walmart has a brand and it not expensive. Straight back to the vet and a blood test to confirm our new fear, diabetes. While we are still tweaking his insulin, Stewbie has been helpful to keep his levels stable and without unpredictable fluctuations. Overall, garbanzo beans are a good choice for diabetics. Kiera was diagnosed with diabetes in September and started in insulin and WD food. This recipe works well for dogs that are toothless. , are all results of the inconsistent feeding and insulin shots. On top of that he has his heartworm meds monthly and gets subcutaneous fluids at home weekly or whenever he seems to not be feeling great to keep his body flushed. There are a lot of sympathetic ears here, and we can all relate in one way or another to the crisis you are going through. G. Add in the frozen vegetables. Are you suppose to rinse the lentils, beans and peas after they are cooked. She has no problem coming for her food and getting her shot first. I have been giving her grain free dry food with pumpkin, but want to get her back on Stewbie soon. She ended up in the hospital 3 times because of high blood sugar. I know you have an interest in making homemade food for your dog, and I. Her last glucose curve was January 12, and her numbers were never higher than 109. We recently started introducing our diabetic Corgi Nikki to your recipe. Actually I found it at 5 Middle Eastern stores here. I am thrilled that your newsletter will get the recipe in front of folks who may not have otherwise found us. I hope other diabetic dog parents find it helpful. The ingredients suck up a lot of water so just add a bit to make it a little wetter. Sorry you are having a tough time with your vet. I brought his food home, antibiotics, pain meds, and tummy meds, insulin ( started with 12 units) and needles. Do you have a way of determining how much she consume. So Google Middle Eastern Markets in your area and call them. Poor baby was really straining so it was back to the same old same old for him. This year he has been in liver failure (twice) and kicked its sorry butt both times. Healthy snack ideas: chicken breast (cook, cube, and store in the fridge for an easy snack), dried chicken, beef, or fish bites are all protein-packed snacks, too, fresh veggies (Ruby loves carrots), frozen veggies (Ruby loves green beans), and while we have yet to try them, someone recently wrote in about diabetic dog cookies from olddogcookie. The trick is to choose foods low on the glycemic index (GI), since those foods are best for diabetics. Thank you for joining the path, my friend. Douglas, thank you for stopping by the blog and for sharing the chana dal link. Glad to hear that your other pooch is enjoying the Stewbie as well. Thank you for stopping by and welcome to the diabetic dog parent club. I got to bring him home 2 days later bs now down to 500. I am sorry you cried, but I am so glad you shared your and. So glad I saw your advise on how to give her the shot. Thank you for writing and sharing your fabulous news. It was only regulated while she was in the hospital.

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